Gurhan the man is quite simply a passionate, innovative maverick. Get to know Gurhan and expect the unexpected. He is a citizen of the world, a renaissance thinker, a curious explorer, a casual fashionista, a rock music aficionado, an avid traveler, an accomplished photographer, a political junkie, a technology geek, an inventor, a theoretical mathematician, and a great cook. His varied life provides the backdrop against which he designs and each new experience fuels his inspiration for new creations. Gurhan’s vocation. Gurhan was a latecomer to the world of jewelry design.
At the age of 40 Gurhan “discovered” pure gold. Up to that point in time, he had an eclectic and cosmopolitan background, living in his native country of Turkey and elsewhere in Europe. In the 80s his love of music and entertainment were at the fore: he established a nightclub, followed by a rock bar (in which the DJ booth was an old 60’s combi van!), and a couple of restaurants. His tinkering side led him to making hi-fi audio equipment and a fascination with mechanical watches, which ultimately led him to studying watchmaking in Switzerland. And all this while he still had no training or involvement in jewelry.
Everything changed on the day Gurhan encountered a sheet of pure gold. He was immediately attracted by its warmth and sensuality. He was equally drawn to the challenge of working in a metal eschewed by other current-day designers who told him he was crazy to even think of working in such a soft, heavy and expensive metal. So he undertook the solitary journey to educate himself in the techniques of working in a material that had last been used for jewelry by the earliest goldsmiths 7000 years ago. By studying their examples he learned their secrets. From that point onward, it became his passion to perpetuate and perfect the legacy of these ancient craftsmen through distinctive designs for today’s woman. Gurhan’s Love Story. Gurhan’s initial creations in pure gold quickly drew attention from discerning collectors in Istanbul and travelers to Turkey.
An early admirer was an Australian woman living in New York and on vacation in Turkey. She fell in love with his jewelry and sought him out… promptly falling in love with him. Their ensuing passion, romance and love for each other are rivaled only by fairy tales. From the first moment it was evident that Fiona was Gurhan’s soul mate and his rich and diverse lifestyle was mirrored in hers. Together they built a life of adventure and variety which continues to fuel Gurhan’s inspiration for his designs. Today, now his wife, Fiona Tilley is the President and CEO of their company and together they have created a wonderfully successful brand which is the center of their life together. A life seeking out the mysteries of the past, of learning and exploration, of stretching the boundaries of their minds, their experiences and their very lives - a life worth living.